martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

The dark side of Alice In Wonderland

Hello partners!!As you know, we have seen in class that there are so many ways to work with fairy tales, moreover the next week we are going to put it in practice in our I Can Tell It!Project.But in this post I want to show you another branch of fairy tales relate with the different versions of the stories that we all know.
We were seen in class about the differents versions of Cindirella, and it's surprise me a lot, and I found interesting to investigate about another version of my favurite story: Alice in Wonderland, like a curiosity that I would like to share with you.
First of all I would tell you the  origin  of this story:
Lewis Carroll was the writter of the tail Alice in wonderland; Lewis was inspired in a 10 years old girl, called Alice Liddell, to carry out this wanderfull and magic tale.
Alice and Lewis met in 1856, when he was 20 years old and she 4.Lewis and Alice's father were god firends.
On, July 4,1862,in a trip through the river Thames, Alicia asked to Lewis to tell a story for her, and Carroll created in that moment the adventures of a girl to fell to a rabbit hole, Alicia asked to Carroll if he could write this story for her and he did it. 
So was born ''Alice in wonderland''.
Alice died on November 16,1934, but not before confesing in a letter to her niece
 ''I am tired of being Alice in wonderland''

Well, all of us Know the Dysney version of this tale, and also another version which was did by Tim Barton (2010). But...if I told you that the film which you seen was not the original idea of Tim Barton? 
Alice in Wonderland by Tim Barton has been one of the better adaptations that nobody has done about Carroll's tale.Tim Barton was inspirid in a videogame of Alice in Wonderland called ''Alice madness''.In that story, Alice suffers the death of her family in a fire ,Alice went crazy and she was interned in a mental hospital.

There, she is isolated from reality, and creates her own world of wonders.Tim Barton had the intention of creating the film from this game, but Disney producers told him not, because it would be too bloody.

In my opion, as I mendionated at  the beguining of the post, there are so many differents kinds of tales ad so many ways to work with them, like add new characters, change the end , invent another way to scape or to solve the problems of the characters etc.
Finally I leave here a picture of my favourite character and a nice sentence of this character :

'''The way you want to take depends on you wherever you go''

I hope you have enjoyed reading this post !Thank you for your time!

2 comentarios:

  1. Fist of all I have to say that I really like this tale too. I have also read about the origin of "Alice in Wonderland" before and I think tht this is a good resource to start creating a story, from a dream you had, from a picture you like and after you would like to know how the story go on, with the help of some person important for you... Talking about the story, in my opinion, I think that it is not a example of story to be told to children. I have always classified as a “tale for adult” something like the Simpson TV show, with some type of hiding message and having what is the aim when we work with it. But I will break a lance for Lewis Carroll and for Tim Burton; in concern to them a have to say that I really like the “strange” stories and if I did not understand I like to look for information about what the director or the writer want to say. And last but not less I will say that like Tim Burton films, mainly because his stories are unusual.

    P.D: My favorites characters are the cat and the Crazy Hatter

  2. Hello Mery!

    This topic is very interesting. I am surprising because I do not the real history. I think that you have had to do the work of looking about the "Alice in Wonderland" the real history and about the Tim Barton´s Film.
    Well, I went to the cinema to see this film and I did not like because the way of Barton realice this film, is very different. I think that I prefer if he had completely changed everything in the movie and it was bloody. Even so, I know the kind of movie that makes Tim Barton and this is the worst.

    I like a lot "Alice in Wonderland" because when I was a child and I studied in English Academy we played the "Alice in Wonderland" in "Ayala theatre" in my village and was a lot of people see us. I interpreted the Queen of Hearts.

    On the other hand, I like your proposal and I will do the same like you. ;)

    Thank you for all,

    Nice week!!!!

